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The Forty Niners

The California Gold Rush took place between 1848 and 1855. During this timeGold was discovered in California. It was discovered by James Marshall at John Sutter's mill when he found shiny flakes of gold in the river. They tried to keep it secret but soon the secret got out and over 300.000 people rushed to California to find gold and 'strike it rich'. 

In 1849 they went to California over 90.000 people looking for gold. They came from all around the world. Most of them were Americans, but many went from places like China, Europe, Mexico or Australia. It was the year 1849, that's why they were called 'The Forty Niners'.

A group of goldseekers.

Sieving work in the river: the quest for the longed gold nuggets. 

Dangerous journey: A group of 49ers get assaulted on their way to California