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Life in Al - Andalus

Muslims from northern Africa invaded Visigothic Spain in 711 A.C. It only took them a few years to defeat the Visigoths. They occupied most of the peninsula and the Balearic Islands. This territory was called Al Andalus, and its capital was Cordoba.
Al Andalus became a province of the Muslim Empire and was governed by the caliph of Damascus in Asia.

After conquering the Peninsula, the Moors were tolerant  towards Christians  and  Jews  and  allowed  them  to continue to practise their religions and customs.

As a result, many Christians stayed in Al Andalus. Only a few left and went to the north of the Peninsula.

Al-Andalus society was very diverse. It was made up of people from different religions.

The Moorish conquerors were the most powerful group. They occupied government posts and owned the best lands.

The Muladi were Christians who accepted the Muslim religion. Some of them converted so they would not have to pay taxes. 

The Mozarabs were Christians who continued to practise their religion.

The Jews were a minority. They lived in districts separated from the other inhabitants.

The taifas fought among themselves and this helped the Christians kingdoms to gain territory. New groups of Muslims came from Africa to reunite the taifas

However, in 1212 the Christians defeated the Muslims at the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa (1212). 

In 1492 the Catholic Monarchs conquered the only remaining Muslim kingdom, the Kingdom of Granada.